Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Selling Strong Practice #4 Know thyself.

Really know thyself. For me, everything changed when I took the Stregthfinder 2.0 test. I've been blessed by two consecutive bosses who were highly committed to strengths based management. Knowing your strengths. Knowing what you do well naturally. Knowing what makes you strong. Is a very powerful tool. My mentor recently said knowledge is powerful, self knowledge is empowering.

Do yourself a favor and use this tool to find your strengths: http://www.strengthsfinder.com/home.aspx

If you don't want to pay for Strengthfinder2.0 pass code, this site gives you free access to the predecessor to 2.0, the Clifton Strengthfiner for free!!!

These are some of the insights I was given:

My top 5 themes are Competitive, Woo, Empathy, Maximizer, Adaptability

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Competition theme measure their progress against
the performance of others. They strive to win first place and revel in contests.
Your Personalized Strengths Insights
What makes you stand out?
Because of your strengths, you automatically vied for the top ranking in contests and games
as a child. Reflecting on your youth, you probably remember being self-sufficient, assertive,
and/or bold. Instinctively, you are driven to be the very best. This explains why you continue
to forge ahead in the face of difficulties or even near exhaustion. When comparisons are
made, you yearn to be the winner. Your motivation to excel likely matches your need to be
declared trustworthy, knowledgeable, and accomplished. It’s very likely that you sometimes
work hard to reach specific personal or professional goals. These include, but are not limited
to, earning a pay raise, winning a promotion, receiving a degree, acquiring something you
value, or completing a certification program. Perhaps challenges related to status motivate
you more than others do. Driven by your talents, you sometimes outwit people by capitalizing
on your ingenuity — that is, your originality. When scores are being tallied, you might rely
on your talents to emerge the victor. By nature, you may join certain teams to enhance your
chances of attaining fame, fortune, power, prestige, promotions, or success. Sometimes you
do things to build up your resume.

It nailed me, "Your motivation to excel likely matches your need to be
declared trustworthy, knowledgeable, and accomplished."

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