Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Selling Strong is All About You

Selling Strong is all about you. Finding out who you truly are and then using that person to sell like crazy. This quote from my dad's wood box of wisdom makes me think how important it is to find our strengths and in doing so finding what is truly special about ourselves. It is not about finding who we want to be. It's about discovering what, for whatever reason, we do really well, naturally. It is incredibly powerful and important to find this "truth" inside ourselves and in doing so forget all about everything else.
Have you ever been in "the zone"? Have you ever been doing something and lost complete track of time? Have you ever surprised yourself and looked up and said OMG did I just do that? Have you seen this in other people, when they just seemed to "light up" and shine and not even notice it in themselves?

We see it in sports all the time. I remember seeing it a long time ago in a match-up of greatness. It was in Cole Field House at the University of Maryland and I had the honor of watching Len Bias of the Terrapins play Michael Jordan of the North Carolina Tar Heals and it was like these two guys were from a different planet. Sure they were both gifted athletes, but there was something more going on there and my dad made sure to point it out. He said look at how those two love to compete, they each want it so bad, to win, to beat the best, and they played like there was no tomorrow.

When you find yourself in the zone appreciate where you are. You are most likely utilizing you greatest strength. Remember what you were doing and how it made you feel. That is what you are good at and if you are at work do more of it. If you are away from work figure out how to incorporate that action into your livelihood and you may never work again. Find that truth and forget about everything else!