Sell Strong by filling your week with a lot of things that make you strong. Do things that make you happy. They make the arduous bearable.
Plan a strong day. Plan a strong week. Plan a strong month. Then work the plan.
Plan the strong day every day. Plan the strong week every week. And the strong month every, you guessed it, every month.
The strong day is planning in the present. What are you going to do now? And then, what are you going to do next. My partner who had been with Pfizer for 28 years told. If you wake up without a clue where you are going, ask your youself where can I go today andd who should I see where I can make the biggest impression? And then go there and see them.
Handle the whirlwind. Do something that moves you closer to the completion of all of your Biggies! (Big wigs) Wigs are wildly important goals and it is critical to only have 2 or 3 at a time. There are a lot of no biggies in the whirlwind. Deal with them. If you find it impossible to ride the whirlwind of all the things that must get done today to stay in business, you may be in the wrong business. I am not making light. I understand no biggies are not easy. Some no biggies can get you fired or put you out of business. This whirlwind is what keeps you where you are or blows you away. Apply the learning curve and figure it out. If you need help ask for it. But get the job done.
Now, what else can I do to really move things forward? It may be helpful to make the resolution of one of the more aggravating no biggies a Big Wig.
The strong week is critical in so many ways. Even God had his strong week in seven days. On the seventh day what did he do? He rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day. To sell strong I believe you must not sell at least one day a week and make that day a blessing.
The strong month. You figure it out!